Sometimes things happen in life that make you just want to quit and sit down for a while. Take a time-out and try to re-group or re-prioritize. When your opponent deals you a heavy blow and your head is spinning, you are likely to keep making mistakes that allow the momentum of the game to stay with your opponent.
I've been delt a heavy blow and I needed some time. A month ago today, my mother was taken from our family in an automobile accident. It was sudden and very unexpected. I don't know what to say other than that I will miss her greatly.
I really haven't had the opportunity to take a time-out. I need one. Maybe over the holidays, I will be able to work thru some of the pain and emotions that I feel.
I'm always so busy. There is always something else that needs to be done.
time out sounds wonderful! Can I go in time out with you?
Still praying for you...
That time out you are looking for is what we called a "bell ringer" time out. It was when you got your bell rung so bad that you started to run to the wrong sideline to get out of the play. You run over toward the opposing players and they are trying to send you the other way and you just can't figure out why they are yelling at you to go back on the field? When you finally realize they weren't yelling for you to go back on the field but were yelling for you to go to YOUR sideline things start to make sense. The guys on your sideline take care of you and get you ready to go back in the game. Take a time out, get on the right sideline and then get back out there and play!
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