Friday, May 9, 2008

Kicking & Screaming

It's been a few days since I've posted so I thought I would write a few things.
Not everything in my life is going the way I would prefer it to. So many things happen that are out of my control and I have a choice how I will respond. "I" want to kick and scream sometimes. I get frustrated, I get tired, I get worn out by "life". Here's the problem - I'm trying to do things all on my own again. Once again, I've left God out of the equation. I need to accept that (like Kieth Green said in one of my favorite songs) once I've done my best, I need to let God take care of the rest.


Pat Hankins said...

I have been there my friend. I was reading the other day how to avoid stress. 1) don't sweat the small stuff. 2) it is all small stuff!!
Be Blessed!

Pastor John said...

Good stuff I could use with some "give it all to God today". Good reminder.